‘Shoe Story’ in Venice

Actor in photo: Dora Lo

Shoe Story steps off this month to its Italian première! The short comedy is an official selection of the Venice Film Week, an annual event showcasing independent films with an edge.

The Venice Film Week runs during but is independent from the Venice Film Festival (Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica). In the words of planners, the Venice Film Week ‘focuses on the unconventional, the unusual, the underground, the intuitive, the innovative, and the minimalistic,’ seeking to spotlight ‘the true artists of our time.’

Screenings take place at La Casa del Cinema and on Campo San Polo in Venice. All selections receive The Tarkovski Grant, a film festival submission fee-waiver package that enables wider distribution for the work.

A Cannes Film Week© qualifying festival, the Venice Film Week is generously supported by the Città di Venezia and Circuito Cinema, and by media partners such as Evenice, VeneziaToday, Venezia360, La Voce Di Venezia, and Il Gazzettino.

Shoe Story stars Dora Lo, James C H Lo, and Wen-Chieh Chi as a trio of bohemian flatmates in Taipei City. The one-take short has been described as ‘a low-budget film that revels in its low-budgetness.’ Since its ‘sneaker preview’ in 2021 Shoe Story has enjoyed a warm reception internationally, garnering awards for its cast performances, sound design, story, direction, trailer, and concept.

Congratulations to cast and crew! Watch the festival site for schedule information and news.

Venice Film Week https://venicefilmweek.com
鞋故事 Shoe Story News https://facebook.com/shoestory.film
鞋故事 Shoe Story IMDb https://pro.imdb.com/title/tt15797158/
鞋故事 Shoe Story trailer https://youtu.be/41aphEap7_0
唐博訥創意藝術   A T Beaune Creations https://linktr.ee/atbeaune

鞋故事 Shoe Story
a new short comedy film from Taiwan

哆啦囉 Dora Lo
羅濟豪 James C H Lo
紀彣潔 Wen-Chieh Chi

sound design 陳子翔 Tzu-Xiang Chen
video editing and effects 吳宸宇 Chenyu Wu
translations 林孟穎 Jesse Lin
camera and costumes 周怡芳 Holly Yifang Chou
trailer editing by 黃柏欣 Boxin Huang
screenplay and direction 唐博訥 A T Beaune

poster graphics by Alton’s Images
publicity photos of Ms Lo by Dilip Bhoye Photography

唐博訥創作 A T Beaune Creations
本片攝於台灣 filmed in Taiwan

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