
Showing posts from August, 2022

Work in Progress

  快來了 Arriving soon:  梅樂蒂 Melodia 本短片採迴旋曲式結構 a short film in rondo form 陳羿安 Yi-An Chen as Mel 翁重華 Chung Hua Weng, piano 唐博訥創意藝術 A T Beaune Creations with f/Lash Productions (Photo: Alton’s Images )

‘Taiwan Photowalk’ trailer

The two-minute trailer is released now for Taiwan Photowalk . Thanks to Boxin Huang for the trailer editing—and to Shao-Hsun Chang, as always, for the daring collaboration.  臺灣 漫步影像 Taiwan Photowalk 靜止圖像中的音樂故事   a musical story in still images 章韶洵 , 鋼琴家 Shao-Hsun Chang, pianist 展覽會之畫 performs Pictures from an Exhibition 穆梭斯基 by Modest Mussorgsky 臺灣 臺北市國家音樂廳 in Taiwan’s National Concert Hall photo story and direction 唐博訥 by A T Beaune featuring 翁成韻 Mandy Weng as The Sightseer ______________ News Page @Meta FB: A T Beaune News Page @Meta FB: Taiwan Photowalk Trailer  @Vimeo Trailer  @YouTube Full Film  @Vimeo Full Film  @YouTube


Lihobo! Greetings from Taiwan.  I will be sharing news here about some of the projects I am working on. For now, please feel free to browse the list in the sidebar. Included are links to my page at the  Internet Movie Database (IMDb)  and to my media channels at YouTube , Vimeo , and Spotify . I hope you will find something here to enjoy.  Thanks for your visit!